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St. Peter Italian

Los Angeles

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Letter from the Pastor

Detalles de campaña

Nuestro objetivo parroquial


Comprometido más de 5 años para la campaña Llamado a renovar.

Nuestra parroquia recibe


Para renovar nuestra parroquia y fortalecer los ministerios.

Parish Needs

Air Conditioning & Heating

Depending on the time of year, the temperature in the church can get uncomfortable. Our Church was built at a time when indoor cooling/heating was not common. We will make the necessary repairs to the HVAC system to help moderate the temperature in the church to make our worship experience more comfortable.


The roof on the Hall is past its useful life expectancy. From time to time, we experience leaks. Up until now we have made do by patching up sections. We can no longer put off the inevitable. We will repair the roof which keeps further damage from happening.

Main Entrance Doors

The doors at the main entrance need refurbishment. We will install windows to allow better natural lighting to illuminate the church. We will also add an automatic opening feature to assist those who need ADA accommodation.

Un plan Audaz de Renovación

Nosotros - los fieles católicos - somos los agentes de renovación para la Iglesia y la sociedad. Estoy agradecido por esta oportunidad de caminar junto con el clero y los feligreses en el fortalecimiento de nuestras parroquias y ministerios, el corazón de nuestra Arquidiócesis.
Archbishop José H. Gomez