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Our Lady of Lourdes


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Letter from the Pastor

Detalles de campaña

Nuestro objetivo parroquial


Comprometido más de 5 años para la campaña Llamado a renovar.

Nuestra parroquia recibe


Para renovar nuestra parroquia y fortalecer los ministerios.

Parish Needs

Parish Center

In addition to serving as our administrative center, the parish center is where we welcome new parishioners, parents of schoolchildren and religious education students, guests, those in need of assistance and pastoral care, and young couples preparing for marriage. Modernizing this facility will allow our staff to better serve our community.

Church Sound System, Lighting, and Media

Installing a new sound system, upgrading to environmentally friendly lighting and fixtures, adding video screens and projectors, and replacing and restoring the pews will improve our worship experience. Upgrading the electrical panel will ensure the system can handle our full technical load. We will also upgrade Stroup Hall’s sound system and lighting as well as install a media system for events and larger liturgical celebrations.

Parish Campus Recreation and Facilities

Repairing the “Field” will make it more suitable for parish social events and school sporting activities. Upgrading all of the restrooms on our campus will reduce utility bills and preserve water, enhancing our environmental stewardship. Building a dedicated storage space will replace the aging temporary units.


Faith Formation & Evangelization

Expanding faith formation opportunities for families and individuals, with an emphasis on meeting the evolving needs of our young adult population, will support deeper encounters with Christ.


Safety and Security

Incorporating video and electronic security enhancements to monitor access to and movement on our campus will increase safety.

Un plan Audaz de Renovación

Nosotros - los fieles católicos - somos los agentes de renovación para la Iglesia y la sociedad. Estoy agradecido por esta oportunidad de caminar junto con el clero y los feligreses en el fortalecimiento de nuestras parroquias y ministerios, el corazón de nuestra Arquidiócesis.
Archbishop José H. Gomez