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Letter from the Pastor

Detalles de campaña

Nuestro objetivo parroquial


Comprometido más de 5 años para la campaña Llamado a renovar.

Nuestra parroquia recibe


Para renovar nuestra parroquia y fortalecer los ministerios.

Parish Needs

Refurbish Flooring and Paint Church

The beauty of our church is an essential part of Catholic liturgy. After 20 years of minimal upgrades, it is time to restore some of the beauty and luster of our church by refurbishing the terrazzo flooring and repainting.

Refurbish Pews

After significant use over the years, the pews have lost its beauty, and many are cracking. We will refurbish the pews and fix the kneelers to provide a more comfortable worship space for all.


Enhance Lighting

The lighting system in our church needs to be upgraded to current standards. We will upgrade our lighting to LED lights and/or other environmentally friendly, and efficient, light fixtures which will more efficiently highlight the beauty of our church.

Altar-Ambo & Baptismal Font Renovation

The altar and ambo need to be elevated to reflect the Body, Blood, and Word of God as being in our midst. The existing ambo is made from varnished white oak. More like a movable lectern, the ambo is unstable, so worn that it creeks. The existing altar matches the current ambo (as they go together, a complementary pair--as the Altar of the Word of God (ambo) and the Altar of the Body & Blood of Christ (Eucharistic Table). Hence, both need to be replaced in scale and correlation. A new ambo should harmonize with a new altar.

The original baptismal font in the baptistry has considerable history within our community. Relocating it to a transept would allow the community to continue to utilize the historical Baptismal Font for the next generation and restore the significance it has had in our parish.

Un plan Audaz de Renovación

Nosotros - los fieles católicos - somos los agentes de renovación para la Iglesia y la sociedad. Estoy agradecido por esta oportunidad de caminar junto con el clero y los feligreses en el fortalecimiento de nuestras parroquias y ministerios, el corazón de nuestra Arquidiócesis.
Archbishop José H. Gomez