What Your Gifts Support


Strengthening Our Parishes

Our parishes are our spiritual homes. In these sacred spaces, we join to celebrate the Eucharist, share in the sacramental life of the Church, and experience meaningful fellowship — allowing us to grow deeper in our relationship with Jesus Christ and with one another.

While our faith communities are much more than physical structures, the quality of these buildings speaks volumes about how we prioritize serving and welcoming families and the greater community. Many parishes have had to defer proper maintenance and upkeep to prioritize more urgent needs. Given the importance of these spiritual homes, we must unite to invest in necessary improvements.

The largest share of Called to Renew funds will be allocated for parish needs. A general investment fund will be created to help parishes in distressed communities address critical needs beyond their financial resources.


Serving the Vulnerable

The Gospel has the power to transform lives, and in Christ, true healing is possible. As we reflect on our role as Catholics, we are called to participate in the renewal of families and our communities by ministering to those who are suffering.

Many patients and families struggle to hold onto hope in moments of greatest need. While God is certainly with them during illness or the loss of a loved one, we know the healing presence of a priest, chaplain, or lay minister has the potential to bring hope, mercy, and comfort. The sheer size of our Archdiocese and limited resources for this ministry have prohibited our ability to train and send more ministers into our communities.Through our renewal efforts, we will strengthen and build this critical ministry, which serves a need each of us will one day experience with our loved ones.


Supporting Priestly Vocations

We have an opportunity to show gratitude by supporting the training and continual formation of the holy men who give so much to us — who lead our spiritual development through the celebration of the Eucharist and the sacraments.

By God’s grace, many men are responding to the call to discern a vocation to the priesthood. Our seminaries and houses of formation are at capacity and require urgent support to meet immediate needs to expand. Although a shortage of priests remains, we are truly encouraged by the strong response and increasing numbers year-over-year. Men are answering the call; we, too, must respond!

Continuous support of our current priests is a powerful way to answer a call for renewal in our parishes and communities. Our Archdiocese is blessed to have a facility dedicated to the spiritual renewal of our priests through retreats and fellowship. We must join together to create an endowment to ensure this ministry’s vitality for years to come. Together, we will support our priests so they may have the opportunity to renew their zeal to ministry — impacting our families, our parishes, and our communities.


Investing in the Faith of Future Generations

Through the work of parishes, schools, and formation programs, thousands of people each year are formed in our faith. They grow closer to Christ and then evangelize, spreading the hope and joy of the Gospel to their families, neighborhoods, schools, and workplaces.

Yet as the world and culture rapidly change, so too should our methods and energies around formation and education in the faith. Through the tireless work of hundreds of educators and leaders, tens of thousands of people have encountered their faith — but more needs to be done. New approaches, techniques, and innovations must be implemented so future generations of people will better understand and live out their faith boldly.

By investing in parish and diocesan schools, parish religious education programs, and our ministries on college campuses throughout the Archdiocese of Los Angeles, we will inspire young people to learn more about their faith and provide them with the foundation to live vibrant lives as faith-filled adults.

Young people grow into societal leaders who propel renewal through our communities and cities. A faith understood and lived becomes a joyful witness — a powerful testimony to our hope in Jesus.