a bold plan of
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A Message
of Hope

God created each of us out of love, and He created each of us for a special purpose. This is the beautiful message of Jesus Christ and his Gospel. In following him, we find the joy God intends for every person.

But we do not follow Jesus alone. We are joined together as sons and daughters in the family of God, the Church. And together in the Church, we carry on the mission of Jesus — sharing the good news of God’s love and mercy.

It is my great joy and privilege to follow Jesus Christ with you. As your Archbishop, I am humbled and inspired every day by your faith and dedication to our Lord, by the love you show to our families, and by the compassion you show to our neighbors most in need.

As we know, every family must plan and prepare for the future. This is also true of the family of God here in the Archdiocese of Los Angeles. We are the largest and most diverse Catholic community in the United States, and we serve millions of people in Los Angeles, Ventura, and Santa Barbara counties.

As our Church continues to grow, so do our needs and our responsibilities. This is why, after many months of research and reflection, consultation, and prayer, we have decided to embark on efforts to renew our Church. Our aim is to ensure our parishes, schools, and ministries continue to grow and are able to make critical investments to serve our children, families, and neighbors for years to come.

Our theme, Called to Renew, emphasizes my desire for this campaign to be both spiritual and material. I pray our efforts will inspire each of us to renew our spiritual commitment and sense of responsibility for the mission and future of the Church.

I ask for your prayers and support as we begin Called to Renew. Please know that you and your families are in mine.

May our Blessed Mother Mary, the Queen of the Angels, go with us as we call our brothers and sisters to renew the family of God here in the Archdiocese of Los Angeles and continue the work of building God’s Kingdom of love in our world.

May God grant you peace,

Most Reverend José H. Gomez
Archbishop of Los Angeles

Created with a Purpose

We are created with a purpose, and Christ calls each of us to both follow Him faithfully and commit to renewing our families, parishes, and communities in hope. In this lifelong journey we discover the great joy of fully living the Gospel by committing to a life of prayer, service, and generosity. In following Christ, we discover our purpose to live fully alive in faith.As a local Church, the people of God have a significant impact on their own communities and on society as a whole. Our parishes, schools and ministries serve hundreds of thousands of people in Southern California – both Catholic and those of other faiths. In joining together as a Church, we live our mission to bear witness to hope and transformation.

A Call for Renewal

With a growing need and costs for ministry increasing year over year, our parishes and ministries are being challenged to do more with less. From urgent needs of updating facilities, to a desire for transformative programs, many struggle to respond to the challenges before them. This is especially true of those parishes with the most limited of resources, often the only source of hope for the greater communities they serve.

After much research, prayer, and careful discernment, the Archdiocese of Los Angeles will embark on a historic effort to respond through Called to Renew, a campaign to secure $500 million in transformative gifts that will give our local church both the much-needed flexibility to respond to critical social needs and an investment for future generations. Without some measure of financial endowment, the Archdiocese is only able to react instead of planning and designing programs that proactively aid our parishes and Catholic ministries.


Strengthening Our Parish

Our Parish are more than buildings; they are the spiritual homes for millions in our Archdiocese. Embracing our mission to be a community of praise, worship, and witness, Called to Renew recognizes the vital role of parishes in the day-to-day life of a vibrant Church and is dedicated to meeting their needs.


Serving the Vulnerable

As Christians, we are called to meet the spiritual and temporal needs of others. Called to Renew provides us with an extraordinary opportunity to expand and enhance our ministries to the most vulnerable among us, so we may walk with the sick and dying as well as with the victims and perpetrators of violent crimes and their familes.


Supporting Priestly Vocations

The future of our Church is strengthened when men hear and answer the Lord's call to serve as his sheperds. The Archdiocese is commited to vocations and the formation of our seminarians and clergy, so they may minister with joyful hearts in the years ahead.


Investing in the Faith of Future Generations

Our mission to live in greater communion with God and the Church is carried out through our parish and diocean schools, religious education and faith formation programs, and our presence on college campus throughout Southern California.