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Website Resource

Website Tools

  • WordPress (Free)

    1. Scroll down your website to where you would like to add the “Call to Action” button, and select a plus sign.

    2. Upon clicking on the plus sign, a pop-up box will appear giving you options to select from. Click on “Heading” to type in your header, press enter to begin typing the description or main content of your “Call to Action”.

    3. Once you have typed your information, click on the plus sign below and add a button.

    4. Type in the text for the button. Then, click on the button and select the icon to add the link to the form.

    Note: Anytime you select an item, a pop-up menu will show atop the selection. Hover over the icons to select an option to change the text setting. Another pop-up sidebar will also appear on the right-most side of the page to change the block’s color, size, or spacing options.

  • WordPress (Payed)

    1. Log in to your website and make sure you are on the Dashboard.

    2. Select Plugins on the left-hand sidebar of your Dashboard.

    3. Click “Add New” at the top of the page, and type in “Forget About Shortcode Buttons” (By Designs & Code) and install.

    4. Once the plugin is installed, select "Pages" or "Posts" to post on your homepage.

    5. Once you are in the desired page/post, add the desired text.

    6. Once you have added the text, in the menu above, locate the button icon enclosed in half a square with an arrow pointing right, and click “insert button”.

    7. A new menu will appear. Select from the different style options, and add the link provided.

  • Google Sites

    1. Select the page and location where you would like to add your button.

    2. To insert text, you will need to add a text box. The text box option is located in the toolbar to the left of the screen, under the insert section.

    3. After inserting your text box, add a button that links to our form.

    Note: The button Icon will be found on the right-hand side of your screen, under the insert tab in the toolbar – towards the bottom.

    4. Upon clicking the “button” option, a window will pop-up asking you for a “name” and a “link”.

    Note: Under “name” make sure to title the button text to appear on your website. Under “link” make sure to place the link provided to you for our form.

    5. Once you fill out both portions of the window, you will click “insert”. You can now drag and drop the button to any location on your page, we recommend to have it below the text you have inserted.

    6. Once the text is in the desired location, you can adjust, center, or change the size of your button.

  • WIX

    1. Once logged in, select “Edit Site” in the dropdown menu button titled, “Site Actions” below Parish Website. Once loaded, scroll down your homepage to add a section for the Parish Census Data Form.

    Note: To insert any item on your website, the sidebar on the left hand will provide you with different selections to add to your page, while the sidebar on your right-hand will allow you to change the style of any section on the page.

    2. Hover over the icons on the left-hand sidebar to view the different menu options. Select “add” (the plus icon). Then, Select “Strip”, And under the “about” section, strip options will appear, we suggest using the 5th option (with the pink background).

    3. Once you know which strip you wish to use, select it, without releasing, drag it down your page to the desired area within your homepage.

    Note: You can move any item you have placed on your website by selecting the background and dragging it down or up. You can also utilize arrows on the top-most menu, found on the right side to undo or redo an action. You can also make a section increase or decrease in height by selecting the icon at the bottom of any section and dragging it up or down.

    4. Hover over any of the menu items to know their function.

    Note: You can move any item you have placed on your website by selecting the background and dragging it down or up. You can also utilize arrows on the top-most menu, found on the right side to undo or redo an action. You can also make a section increase or decrease in height by selecting the icon at the bottom of any section and dragging it up or down.

    5. Select a text box to edit the text. You can double click for the text menu to appear or select “Edit Text” that has popped up above the text box.

    6. Once you have the desired style and text ready, visit the main menu on the left-hand sidebar and select “Add” (the plus icon), and select “button”.

    7. Hover over each button to select a style you prefer. Once selected, drag and place below your text.

    8. Once you have placed the button in the desired area, click on the button and use the menu above it to change the text, layout, design, and link (Make sure to test the link on your website to see that it works).

More Questions?

  • Contact Us for Further Assistance

    We are available to answer your questions or guide you through posting a section for Parish Census Data on your website by phone, email, or Zoom Call.

    Phone: (213) 637-7582

Suggested Message

As we adapt to a new way of life, it is important for us to remain connected to our faith as well as with each other. Over the last few months, we have had difficulty reaching parishioners with important messages or messages of faith and encouragement. We need your help in updating our databases so that we can reach you and stay connected even in the toughest of times. Please fill out the information and send it to your parish to facilitate the strengthening of our community of faith.

To place the form on the website, we recommend parishes to add a header, text (find sample text above), and button anywhere on your website that is easily accessible and visible to all parishioners, such as the homepage.

Link to form: