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Los Angeles

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Letter from the Pastor

Detalles de campaña

Nuestro objetivo parroquial


Comprometido más de 5 años para la campaña Llamado a renovar.

Nuestra parroquia recibe


Para renovar nuestra parroquia y fortalecer los ministerios.

Parish Needs

O’Grady Center Renovations

Meeting space is important for serving the mission of evangelization today. As we expand our parish ministries it is important to provide a safe, comfortable, and inviting environment for those seeking community and connection. We will update the O’Grady center’s kitchenette, storage space, and interior design to accommodate our ministry needs for years to come.

Refurbish Confessionals

“The mercy of the Lord endures forever” (Ps 136). The sacrament of reconciliation gives life to sacred moments of forgiveness, healing, and renewal. It is only fitting that the place and setting of this tremendous sacrament be safe, dignified, and inviting. With money raised through Called to Renew, we will renovate our confessionals to help foster the peace and joy which flows from the mercy of God.


Evangelization Outreach

Pope Francis has placed great importance on the need for evangelization and sharing the Good News of the Gospel with all. Our outreach efforts are strong, but we can improve them by devoting special attention to young people, families, and the marginalized. We will invest a portion of our funds to provide more/expanded/enhanced opportunities for deepening one’s faith and encounter with Christ.

Un plan Audaz de Renovación

Nosotros - los fieles católicos - somos los agentes de renovación para la Iglesia y la sociedad. Estoy agradecido por esta oportunidad de caminar junto con el clero y los feligreses en el fortalecimiento de nuestras parroquias y ministerios, el corazón de nuestra Arquidiócesis.
Archbishop José H. Gomez