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Holy Angels


Give Now

Letter from the Pastor

Detalles de campaña

Nuestro objetivo parroquial


Comprometido más de 5 años para la campaña Llamado a renovar.

Nuestra parroquia recibe


Para renovar nuestra parroquia y fortalecer los ministerios.

Parish Needs

Solar Carport & Chargers for Electric Vehicles

Installation of solar carports in the Holy Angels’ parking lot will significantly reduce utility costs for our Church and School, which will free up funds to support parish ministries and educational programs for our children. We will purchase and install a photo voltaic (“PV”) solar panel system which provides a much cleaner energy source and substantially reduces greenhouse gas emissions.

Parking Lot

The church parking lot needs repair and repaving. This project will ensure safe and organized traffic flow for both pedestrians and drivers moving through the lot. In addition, this will increase the longevity/durability of the parking lot, avoid costly unplanned repairs, and result in a fresh appearance that will increase neighborhood curb appeal.

Painting the Exterior of the School Building

The exterior of our school building needs patching and painting, which will help reduce structural deterioration from exposure to sun and moisture and thus extend the life span of the building.

Gathering Center Structure

The outdoor gathering center needs a structural upgrade and repair to ensure its continued safe use, particularly for socialization and promotion of Parish ministries. We need to preserve the beloved space where an abundance of donuts and countless cups of coffee have been enjoyed after Masses over the years!

Miscellaneous Repairs and Renovations

Between the church, rectory, Msgr. Walsh Hall, and school, regular repairs and renovations are necessary to maintain the buildings, equipment, classrooms, and worship space in good and safe working condition. Proper maintenance of the facilities is important to the operation of parish ministries and the education of children attending the school.

Un plan Audaz de Renovación

Nosotros - los fieles católicos - somos los agentes de renovación para la Iglesia y la sociedad. Estoy agradecido por esta oportunidad de caminar junto con el clero y los feligreses en el fortalecimiento de nuestras parroquias y ministerios, el corazón de nuestra Arquidiócesis.
Archbishop José H. Gomez